Report and Lecture



1. 「ボックス−コックス変換モデルの統計的識別に関する研究」、(細谷雄三と共同)、

2. 「マクロ経済時系列の共和分と因果関係分析」(細谷雄三と共同)、第64回日本統計

3. 「日本マクロ時系列の一方向因果関係に関する実証分析」、《時系列分析の理論と

4. 「日中マクロ経済因果関係の実証分析」、平成8年度教育研究特別経費研究助成

5. Testing Causality in Cointegrated Relationships with an Application to Japanese
  Macroeconomic Data, (with Y. Hosoya), Proceedings of the 66th Annual Meeting
  of the Japan Statistical Association
,  215-252, Tokyo, July, 1998. 

6. Inference on One-way Causality and Evidence in Japanese Macroeconomic Data,
  invited lecture at Northwest University, Xian, April, 1998.

7. The Analysis of Cointegration and Causality, invited lecture at the Institute of
  Applied Mathemetics
, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, May, 1998.

8. Inference on One-way Causality and Evidence in Japanese Macroeconomic Data,
  (with Y. Hosoya), invited lecture at Faculty of Economics, Tohoku University,
  Sendai, August, 1998.

9. Measuring Causality in Cointegrated Relations with an Application to Japanese
  Macroeconomic Data, (with Y. Hosoya), invited paper to Chaos and Nonlinear
  Time Series Hakata Symposium
, Fukuoka, Sept., 1998.

10. 「共和分時系列の一方向因果測度の検定:理論と応用」、大阪大学大学院基礎

11. 「香川県景気観測指標間の一方向因果関係に関する研究」、(大薮和雄と共同)、

12. Statistical Causal Analysis and its Application to Time-Series, (with Y. Hosoya),
   Precedings of the 1999 NBER/NSF Time Series Conference, Vol.II, Academia
  Sinica, Taipei, Aug., 1999.

13. The Measure of One-way Effect in Cointegrated Relations: Theory and Application,
  (with Y. Hosoya), Statistical Analysis for Complex Nonlinear Phenomena II, Research
  Report on Statistics S-44, 14-28, Osaka University, Toyonaka, October, 1999.


15. 「構造変化を含む多次元時系列間における一方向因果性の検定」、日本経済学会

16. Testing the One-way Effect and Application, シンポジウム「時空間データ解析」 

17. 「現代中国の地域格差の動向」(井原健雄と共同)、地域政策学ワークショップ、大阪

18. 「時系列解析の理論と応用」、東北師範大学数学系・金融と信息研究センター、長春、

19. Testing Causality and the Japanese Economy, (with Y. Hosoya and T. Takimoto),
  Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop in Applied Probability, 340-343,
  Athens, March, 2004. 

20. Causal Relationships in Japanese and Chinese External Trade, (with N.Z. Shi),
  Preceedings of the 8th Japan-China Symposium on Statistics, 354-355,
  Guilin, October, 2004. 

21. 中国の貿易依存度に関する統計分析、(李九妹と共同)、中国経済学会第4回

22. Testing the Local One-way Effect and Its Application to Japanese Income and
  Money, Proceedings of the 3rd IASC world conference on Computational Statistics
  & Data Analysis
, 11, Limassol, October, 2005. 

23. The Long-run and Short-run Causal Relationships between Japanese Money and
  Income, 2006 Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society, Beijing, July, 2006. 

24. 一方向因果測度の局所検定と応用、2006年度統計関連学会連合大会講演報告集

25. Sustainable Economic Development and China-Japan Foreign Trade Relation
  in East Asia, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sustainable
  Development in East Asia
、Sponsored by Japan Society for the Promotion
  of Science, Hotel Nikko New Century Beijing, March, 2007.

26. One-way Effect Causal Relationship of the GDP and Energy Consumption in Taiwan,
  (with Y.W. Chen & C.Y. Wu), 「計量ファイナンスと時系列解析法の新たな展開」
  44-55, 香川大学, 2008年1月.

27. Japan-China International Trade and Sustainable Economic Development in East Asia,
  Proceedings of the Economic Development and Culture in a Globalized Era of East Asia,
  Kagawa, Feb., 2008.

28. 台湾GDPとエネルギー消費の一方向因果関係分析、(陳燕武と呉承業と共同)、中国

29. 日米中金融証券市場主な総合指数間の因果関係、国際シンポジウム 「経済危機と

30. Granger’s non-causality and Wald test of one-way effect、Renmin University, China、
  Sept. 2009.

31. 一方向因果測度の理論と応用、首都経貿大学、2009年11月。

32. 日米中金融証券市場主な総合指数相互影響の計量分析、西安交通大学、2010年3月。