
堀 啓造


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青木幸弘 1987/88 関与概念と消費者情報処理(1)(2)−概念的枠組と研究課題− 商学論 究(関西学院大学研究会), 35(1), 97-113, 36(1), 65-91.
青木幸弘 1989 消費者関与の概念的整理−階層性と多様性の問題を中心として− 
 商学論究(関西学院大学研究会), 37, 119-138
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 尺度化、反応関与 ,実験、認知的反応、広告、メッセージ関与、属性・実行
Batra, R.,& Ray, M.L. 1983 Advertising situations: The implications of differential involvement and accompanying affect responses, in R.J. Harris (ed.) Information Processing Research in Advertising , Lawrence Erlbaum,
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 実験, 学習, 広告,LISREL
Beatty, S.B.,& Smith, S.M. 1983 Involvement, search and satisfaction: A path analytic model, in W.R. Darden, K.B. Monroe,& W.R. Dillon (eds.) 1983 AMA
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Belk, R.W. 1982 Effects of gift-giving involvement on gift selection strategies, Advances in Consumer Research, 9, 408-412.
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Bloch, P.H.,& Richins, M.L. 1983 A theoretical model for the study of product importance perceptions, Journal of Marketing, 47(Summer), 69-81.
 理論、展望 **
Bonfield, E.H. 1983 Involvement, attitude, and behavior: On the nature of the relationships, Advances in Consumer Research, 10, 425-426.
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Clarke, K.,& Belk, R.W. 1979 The effects of product involvement and task definition on anticipated consumer effort, Advances in Consumer Research, 6, 313-318.
 実験 尺度はLastovicka(1976)
Cohen, J.B. 1983 Involvement and you: 1000 great ideas, Advances in Consumer Research, 10, 325-328.
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 重要性(態度変容)、個人的結合(過程アプローチ)、認知的反応(情報処理アプロー チ)、関与と熟知度は違う、製品熟知度=知識ほぼ同じ、
Gardner, M.P., Mitchell, A.A., & Russo, J.E. 1979 Chronometric analysis: An introduction and an application to low involvement perception of advertisments, Advances in Consumer Research, 5, 581-589.
Greenwald, A.G. 1982 Ego task analysis: An integration of research on ego-involvement and self-awareness, in A.H. Hastorf & A.M. Isen (eds.) Cognitive Social Psychology, Elsevier/North-holland, 109-147.
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Harrell, G.D. 1979 Industrial product class involvement, confidence in beliefs, and attitude-intent relationships, in J.C.Maloney & B.Silverman (eds.) Attitude research plays for high stakes, American Marketing Association, 133-147.
 実験,尺度(sherif 受容・拒否)
広瀬徹 1983 関与理論の変遷とその応用方向 季刊Marketing研究, no.23, 27-34
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小嶋外弘・杉本徹雄・永野光朗 1984 製品関与の心理学的研究(1)、日本心理学会第48回大会発表論文集, 814.
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小嶋外弘・杉本徹雄・永野光朗 1985 製品関与と広告コミュニケーション効果,広告科学,11,34-44.
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松井陽通 1987 広告管理のための新指標  ブランド絆尺度, 広告科学, 15, 39-58.
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Mittal, B. 1987 A framework for relating consumer involvement to lateral brain functionig, Advances in Consumer Research, 14, 41-45.
Mittal, B. 1989 Must consumer involvement always imply more information search? Advances in Consumer Research, 16, 167-172.
 機能的商品と表現的商品の情報探索量 、関与操作的
Mittal, B.,& Lee, M. 1988 Separating brand-choice involvement from producut involvement via consumer involvement profiles, Advances in Consumer Research,15, 43-49.
 実験、尺度(Laurent)、確証的因子分析 **、25項目8因子、ブランドコミットメント
Muncy, J.A.,& Hunt, S.D. 1984 Consumer involvement: Difinitional issues and research directions, Advances in Consumer Research, 11, 193-196.
 理論、展望、定義、コミットメント、コミットメントと関与は違う **
Newman, L.M.,& Dolich, I.J. 1979 An examination of ego-involvement as a modifier of attitude changes caused from product testing, Advances in Consumer Research, 6,180-183
仁科貞文 1978 広告表現の心理 in 渋谷重光編著 広告の社会心理学 ブレーン社
Oliver, R.L.,& Bearden, W.O. 1983 The role of involvement in satisfaction, Advances in  Consumer Research, 10, 250-255.
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Park, C.W.,& Mittal, B. 1985 A theory of involvement in consumer behavior: Problems and issues, Research in Consumer Behavior, 1, 201-231.
 理論、定義, ない
Park, C.W.,& Young, S.M. 1983 Types and levels of involvement and brand attitude formation, Advances in Consumer Research, 10, 320-324.
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Petty, R.E.,& Cacioppo, J.T. 1981 Issue involvement as a moderator of the effects on attitude of adverising content and context. Advances in Consumer Research, 8, 20-24.
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 ・感情尺度(3項目)、Laurent & Kapfereとの関係
          関与  思考・感情
 関心       .58   .37
 リスク重要性   .86**  .00
 主観的確率    .46   -.20
 快楽価値     .55   .64**
 記号価値     .49   .69**
  もう一つ表あり  関与がリスクに思考・感情が快楽価値、記号価値に関係
 Zaichkowsky(1985)との相関 .76
Ray, M.L. 1979 Involvement and other variables mediating communication effects as opposed to explaining all consumer behavior, Advances in Consumer Research, 6, 197-199.
Richins, M.L.,& Bloch, P.H. 1986 After the new wear off: The temporal context of product involvement. Journal of Consumer Research, 13, 280-285.
Richins, M.L.,& Root-Shaffer, T. 1988 The role of involvement and opinion leadership in consumer word of mouth: An implicit model made explicit, Advances in Consumer Research, 15, 32-36
Robertson, T.S. 1976 Low-commitment consumer behavior, Journal of Advertising Research, 16(2), 19-24.
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Rothschild, M.L. 1979 Advertising strategies for high and low involvement situation, in J.C.Maloney & B.Silverman (eds.) Attitude research plays for high stakes, American Marketing Association, 74-93.
Rothschild, M.L. 1984 Perspectives on involvement: Current problems and future directions, Advances in Consumer Research, 11, 216-217

Saegert, J.,& Young, R.K. 1983 Levels of processing and memory for advertisements. in L.Percy,& A.G.Woodside (eds.) Advertising and Consumer Psychology. Massachusetts: Lexington. 117-131.
 実験(測定 Lastovicka,1978,1項目 どちらに似ているか)、処理水準
Sherif, C.W. 1980 Social values, attitudes and involvement of the self, in M.M. Page (ed) Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 1979 University of Nebraska Press, 1-64.
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清水公一・中山勝巳 1985 インボルブメントの低い状況下における消費者行動の特質 広告科学, 11,1-9.
Shimp, T.A.,& Sharma, S. 1983 The dimensionality of involvement: A test of the automobile involvement scale, in W.R. Darden, K.B. Monroe,& W.R. Dillon (eds.) 1983 AMA Winter Educators' Conference: Research Methods and Causal Modeling in Marketing, American Marketing Association, 58-61.
 実験、尺度(Bloch),多次元3因子,確認的因子分析 **
 emotional/personal,social status,interpersonal involvement
Slama, M.E.,& Tashchian, A. 1983 Comparing methods of measureing involvement with product classes: A structural equations approach, in W.R. Darden, K.B. Monroe,& W.R. Dillon (eds.) 1983 AMA Winter Educators' Conference: Research Methods and Causal Modeling in Marketing, American Marketing Association, 66-69. 
 実験,尺度、LISREL,各尺度法の比較、sherif、SD、リッカート法 →SD法がよい
Slama, M.E.,& Tashchian, A. 1985 Selected socioeconomic and demographic characteristics associated with purchasing involvement, Journal of Marketing, 49(1), 72-82.
Slama, M.E., Williams, T.G.,& Tashchian, A. 1988 Compliant, aggressive and detached types differ in generalized purchasing involvement. Advances in Consumer Research, 15, 158-162.
 尺度(Slama, M.E.,& Tashchian, A. 1985)33項目1因子
Smith, S.M.,& Beatty, S.E. 1984 Development of involvement scale. in P.F. Anderson & M.J.Ryan (eds.) 1984 AMA Winter Educators' Conference: Scientific Method in Marketing. Illinois:American Marketing Association. 229-232
 その他(知識・店舗選好・ブランド選好) 因子分析等、内的一貫性、弁別的一貫性
 →基本的にHouston & Rothchild(1977)に依拠しながらも反応関与は関与状態であるの で無視
Stephens, D. 1985 Hemispheric function and involvement, Advances in Consumer Research, 12, 285-289.
Stone, R.N. 1984 The marketing characteristics of involvement, Advances in Consumer Research, 11, 210-215.
杉山静雄 1987 "慣性"消費型商品の特徴と購買行動, 電通マーケティング局社内資料
杉山静雄 1989 慣性消費型商品の特性と購買行動 広告科学, 18, 81-88.
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 実験、尺度 22項目中6項目を使用し、1因子、12製品、イメージ、感情的関与
Tyebjee, T.T. 1979 Response time, conflict, and involvement in brand choice, Journal of Consumer Research, 6, 295-304.
 実験,多次元尺度 **、製品関連関与、課題関連関与(感覚関与・認知的関与)3因子 13項目
Tyebjee, T.T. 1979 Refinement of the involvement concept: An advertising planning point of view, in J.C.Maloney & B.Silverman (eds.) Attitude research  plays for high stakes, American Marketing Association, 94-111.
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Vaughn, R. 1986 How advertising works: A planning model revisited, Journal of
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和田充夫 1984 マーケティング戦略の構築とインヴォルブメント概念 慶応経営論集, 5
 (3), 1-13.
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Wortzel, L.H. 1982 Consumer decision for high involvement products: An extension and elaboration of the Ray three orders model and a linkage to information processing models. R.F. Bush & S.D. Hunt (eds.) Marketing Theory: Philosophy of Science Perspectives. American Marketing Association, 167-170.
Zaichkowsky, J.L. 1985 Familiarity: Product use, involvement or expertise? Advances in Consumer Research, 12, 296-299.
Zaichkowsky, J.L. 1985 Measuring the involvement construct. Journal of Consumer Research, 12, 341-352.
Zanchkowsky, J.L. 1986 Conceptualizing involvement, Journal of Advertising, 15(2),4-14,34.
Zaichkowsky, J.L. 1987 The emotional aspect of product involvement, Advances in Consumer Research, 14, 32-35
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Zimmer, M. 1984 The development of choice tactics in low involvement situation. in P.F. Anderson & M.J.Ryan (eds.) 1984 AMA Winter Educators' Conference: Scientific Method in Marketing. Illinois:American Marketing Association.220-223.
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 実験,学習、尺度Buchanan1964 1因子
Zinkhan, G.M.,& Muderrisoglu, A. 1985 Involvement, familiarity cogintive differentiation, and advertising recall: A test of convergent and discriminant validity, Advances in Consumer Research, 12, 356-361.
 実験、LISREL(PLS MODEL)、関与5項目1因子、熟知度、認知的分化と異なっている。 尺度の具体例あり