*effectsize_fixed.sps. *title "90% confidence intervals of effect size (fixed effects ANOVA)". * effect size index f=. * small f=.10 : medium f=.25: large f=.40 Cohen(1988). * Steiger and Fouladi(1997) in Harlow, Mulaik and Steiger(eds) * What if there were no significance tests? LEA. preserve. set printback=none. set mxloops=1000000. data list free/ alpha fvalue dfh dfe n npc. begin data 0.05 0.36 1 54 60 30 0.05 209.66 2 54 60 20 0.05 34.01 2 54 60 10 0.05 11.2212 4 50 55 11 0.05 0.82 1 116 120 60 0.05 32.21 1 116 120 60 0.05 16.84 1 116 120 30 0.05 6.00 1 42 56 28 0.05 2.65 6 42 56 0 0.05 2.50 6 42 56 4 0.05 2.0 1 28 30 15 end data. if (npc=0) npc=n/(dfh+1). *initialize values. compute zero=0.00000001. compute lambda=dfh*fvalue. compute rho2=lambda/(lambda+N). compute epsilon=(Fvalue-1)/(Fvalue+dfe/dfh). compute omega2=(Fvalue-1)/(Fvalue+(dfe+1)/dfh). /*Fowler(1985). *compute omega22=(Fvalue-1)/(Fvalue+N/dfh). compute eta2=Fvalue/(Fvalue+dfe/dfh). compute f=sqrt(lambda/n). compute f_alpha=idf.f(1-alpha,dfh,dfe). compute pvalue=1-cdf.f(fvalue,dfh,dfe). compute powa=1-ncdf.f(f_alpha,dfh,dfe,lambda). compute RMSSE=sqrt(lambda/(dfh*npc)). compute ylambda=lambda. if ylambda< 10 ylambda=10. compute stepl=ylambda/20. do repeat cumpd=0.05, 0.95/xrmsse=uRMSSE lRMSSE/xf=uf lf /xpowa=upowa lpowa/ xrho2=urho2 lrho2. compute xlambda=ylambda. if (xlambdazero). compute xlambda=xlambda-stepl. if (xlambda=cumpd and xlambda>0). compute xlambda=xlambda+stepl. compute cumpa=ncdf.f(fvalue,dfh,dfe,xlambda). end loop. end if. *begin loop for interval halving. compute dir=1. if (cumpa=.00001 and nlambda>zero). compute intv=intv*.5. compute nlambda=nlambda +dir*intv*.5. if (nlambda