Function ncdchi(chi2値 As Double, df As Double, 非心度 As Double) ncdchi = cumchn(chi2値, df, 非心度) End Function Private Function qsmall(x As Double, sum As Double) As Boolean ' cumchn, cumfn と同じルーティン Dim eps As Double eps = 0.000001 '1e-6 '0.000001 ' .. ' .. Statement Function definitions .. qsmall = (sum < 1E-20) Or (x < eps * sum) End Function Function cumchn(x As Double, df As Double, pnonc As Double) '*********************************************************************** ' CUMulative of the Non-central CHi-square distribution ' 'DCDFLIB: 'Section of Computer Science, Department of Biomathematics, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Hospital. 'の cumchn.f を excel vba に移植したものである。excel の統計関数を使っている。 '移植に当たって,構造化し goto 文をなくした。 excel 97 を使って確認している。2000/5/24 ' Function ' ' Calculates the cumulative non-central chi-square ' distribution, i.e., the probability that a random variable ' which follows the non-central chi-square distribution, with ' non-centrality parameter PNONC and continuous degrees of ' freedom DF, is less than or equal to X. ' ' Arguments ' ' X --> Upper limit of integration of the non-central ' chi-square distribution.非心χ2値 ' ' ' DF --> Degrees of freedom of the non-central ' chi-square distribution.自由度 ' ' ' PNONC --> Non-centrality parameter of the non-central ' chi-square distribution. 非心度パラメータ ' ' CUM <-- Cumulative non-central chi-square distribution. ' 返値 累積非心χ2分布(確率) ' ' ' Method(もとプログラムに書いてあったもの) ' ' Uses formula 26.4.25 of Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of ' Mathematical Functions, US NBS (1966) to calculate the ' non-central chi-square. ' ' Variables ' ' EPS --- Convergence criterion. The sum stops when a ' term is less than EPS*SUM. ' ' '*********************************************************************** ' ' Dim adj As Double, centaj As Double, centwt As Double, chid2 As Double, dfd2 As Double, eps As Double, lcntaj As Double, lcntwt As Double, lfact As Double, pcent As Double, pterm As Double, sum As Double, sumadj As Double, term As Double, wt As Double, xnonc As Double, xx As Double Dim i As Long, icent As Long ' Dim cum As Double ' If (x <= 0#) Then cumchn = 0# Exit Function End If If (pnonc <= 0.0000000001) Then ' ' ' When non-centrality parameter is (essentially) zero, ' use cumulative chi-square distribution ' ' cumchn = 1 - Application.ChiDist(x, df) Exit Function End If xnonc = pnonc / 2# '*********************************************************************** ' ' The following code calcualtes the weight, chi-square, and ' adjustment term for the central term in the infinite series. ' The central term is the one in which the poisson weight is ' greatest. The adjustment term is the amount that must ' be subtracted from the chi-square to move up two degrees ' of freedom. ' '*********************************************************************** icent = xnonc If (icent = 0) Then icent = 1 chid2 = x / 2# ' ' ' Calculate central weight term ' ' lfact = Application.GammaLn(CDbl(icent + 1)) lcntwt = -xnonc + icent * Log(xnonc) - lfact centwt = Exp(lcntwt) ' ' ' Calculate central chi-square ' ' ' CALL cumchi(x,dg(icent),pcent,ccum) pcent = 1 - Application.ChiDist(x, dg(icent, df)) ' ' ' Calculate central adjustment term ' ' dfd2 = dg(icent, df) / 2# lfact = Application.GammaLn(1# + dfd2) lcntaj = dfd2 * Log(chid2) - chid2 - lfact centaj = Exp(lcntaj) sum = centwt * pcent '*********************************************************************** ' ' Sum backwards from the central term towards zero. ' Quit whenever either ' (1) the zero term is reached, or ' (2) the term gets small relative to the sum, or ' '*********************************************************************** sumadj = 0# adj = centaj wt = centwt i = icent ' Do dfd2 = dg(i, df) / 2# ' ' ' Adjust chi-square for two fewer degrees of freedom. ' The adjusted value ends up in PTERM. ' ' adj = adj * dfd2 / chid2 sumadj = sumadj + adj pterm = pcent + sumadj ' ' ' Adjust poisson weight for J decreased by one ' ' wt = wt * (i / xnonc) term = wt * pterm sum = sum + term i = i - 1 Loop Until (qsmall(term, sum) Or (i = 0)) sumadj = centaj '*********************************************************************** ' ' Now sum forward from the central term towards infinity. ' Quit when either ' (1) the term gets small relative to the sum, or ' '*********************************************************************** adj = centaj wt = centwt i = icent ' ' ' Update weights for next higher J ' ' Do wt = wt * (xnonc / (i + 1)) ' ' ' Calculate PTERM and add term to sum ' ' pterm = pcent - sumadj term = wt * pterm sum = sum + term ' ' ' Update adjustment term for DF for next iteration ' ' i = i + 1 dfd2 = dg(i, df) / 2# adj = adj * chid2 / dfd2 sumadj = sumadj + adj Loop Until (qsmall(term, sum)) cumchn = sum End Function Function dg(i As Long, df) dg = df + 2# * CDbl(i) End Function