
Run MATRIX procedure:

************ 因子数判定 ************
nvars = 14

Velicer's Minimum Average Partial (MAP) Test:

Velicer's Average Squared Correlations
    .0000   .0856
    1.0000   .0446
 *  2.0000   .0232
    3.0000   .0303
    4.0000   .0376
    5.0000   .0490
    6.0000   .0637
    7.0000   .0853
    8.0000   .1146
    9.0000   .1527
   10.0000   .2093
   11.0000   .3062
   12.0000   .4712
   13.0000  1.0000

The smallest average squared correlation is

MAP says :The number of components is

Standard Error Scree (Zoski & Jurs, 1996, EPM, p 443):

Standard Error Scree
            se EigenVal
     1.0000   .7859  4.3131
   *  2.0000   .3786  2.4615
     3.0000   .0517  1.0058
     4.0000   .0475   .9531
     5.0000   .0264   .7849
     6.0000   .0246   .7082
     7.0000   .0251   .6740
     8.0000   .0148   .5533
     9.0000   .0143   .5165
     10.0000   .0096   .4973
     11.0000   .0105   .4549
     12.0000   .0130   .4188

compared to

SE Scree says: The number of components is


Principal Components(PA1) and Principal Axis(PAsmc)

Specifications for this Run:
Ncases  241
Nvars   14
Ndatsets 100
Percent  95

Random Data Eigenvalues
    Root   eval   PA1 M  PA1 95%  evalsmc  PAsmc M PAsmc 95
   1.0000  4.3131  1.4259  1.5131  3.7062   .4923   .5882
->  2.0000  2.4615  1.3293  1.3929  1.8830   .3900   .4653
   3.0000  1.0058  1.2452  1.2946   .4069   .3021   .3592
=>  4.0000   .9531  1.1823  1.2341   .3120   .2347   .2937
   5.0000   .7849  1.1203  1.1643   .1657   .1713   .2220
   6.0000   .7082  1.0598  1.0983   .0807   .1087   .1532
   7.0000   .6740  1.0090  1.0491   .0108   .0552   .0945
   8.0000   .5533   .9570  1.0027  -.0437   .0040   .0507
   9.0000   .5165   .9066   .9476  -.0740  -.0456  -.0078
   10.0000   .4973   .8595   .9000  -.1198  -.0915  -.0568
   11.0000   .4549   .8110   .8531  -.1746  -.1371  -.1009
   12.0000   .4188   .7586   .8011  -.2026  -.1865  -.1501
   13.0000   .3485   .7001   .7466  -.2160  -.2398  -.2023
   14.0000   .3100   .6354   .6929  -.2503  -.2972  -.2516

PA 1 says: The number of components is

PA SMC says: The number of factors is

MAP     2
PA1     2
PA SMC    4
SE scree   2

------ END MATRIX -----